Lawrence Jackson


Of Counsel

Email:  [email protected]

Phone: 214-965-9900

Fax: 214-965-0010


Lawrence Jackson, generally known as “Larry Jackson”, joined the firm in 1960 and has over 56 years of experience serving as City Attorney for many of the municipalities in Dallas County and adjacent counties. He has gained extensive experience in all aspects of Municipal Law including Annexation, Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, Health, and Safety Regulation and Enforcement, Home Rule Charter Formation, and Publishing of Codes of Ordinances. He has handled municipal and general litigation in both state and federal courts. After serving as the firm’s senior partner, he now serves as Of Counsel to the firm.

Relevant Professional Experiences

Currently serves as the Litigation and Appellate Counsel in both state and federal courts for the firm’s clients.

Currently serves as Litigation Counsel for the Cities of Allen and Richardson.

Currently serves as Litigation Counsel for the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool.

Senior Lieutenant U.S. Navy

USS Pocono AGC 16

Department Director Fleet Intelligence Center, North Africa


  • Municipal Law Personal Injury Litigation
  • Plaintiff and Defendant Wills
  • Trusts
  • Probate Litigation & Appeals


  • State Bar of Texas, 1960
  • Supreme Court of State of Texas, 1960
  • Supreme Court of United States, 1970
  • U.S. Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit


  • University of Texas at Austin (B.B.A.), 1953
  • Baylor University School of Law (LL.B.), 1960
  • Baylor University School of Law (J.D.), 1969


  • Member, Dallas Bar Association
  • Member, State Bar of Texas

Fulfilling the Responsibilities of Local Governments to the Community

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